Monday, July 22, 2013

Cubed: July 22nd!

Welcome back to Monday's Cubed! I decided, since I love writing Cubed during the week, I would keep doing it after Summer ends. With Summer about half-way over, I wasn't happy that Cubed was half way over. So CUBED WILL CONTINUE!!

The First thing today is another skin. On the skindex it's called Not_a_Creeper. I'm not sure that's true...

†hi is a really funny skins. It's not very creative but it's original and humorous. People always get ripped if they have the Steve skin. This is funny because It's pretty much a creeper pretending to be Steve. That's pretty neat. You can tell it's a disguise because of the strap along the head. Thus it's a mask. I've seen some masks. But they're not as creative. Like a Steve Skin with a Beast Boy mask. If you haven't been playingMinecraft for a long time you probably wouldn't know who Beast boy was. Was this weird character that randomly spawned n your single-player worlds. Kind of like Herobrine. Also like Herobrine, Beast Boy was removed from Minecraft.

The Next thing is a painting of An Iron Golem. While you look at this picture you may find yourself feeling sad for Iron Golems. Considering well, they don't get they're own spawn egg, are always being forced to kill the stuff around it, and are often left in very confined gardens.
 This is a great picture. It really captures the feel what an Iron Golem's life really is. I can't just post this amazing image without credit to the creator.
All rights go to Tom Harrison. He's done some awesome Minecraft Fan-Art and has even been featured at Minecon. You can check out his wordpress website here. I don't actually know him but I do know that his work is truly Amazing. He's drawn ships and aliens and of course, Minecraft. Does anyone else want to shut down this internet launcher, go open your Minecraft launcher, and go use a pumpkin and 4 iron blocks to create your own Iron Golem. This reminds me, before I had my 2 horses, Aztec and Joey, I made my own Iron Golem and named him Wilson. He died because
1. He was attacked by at least 7 creepers,
2. he was trapped in a 3x3 glass container.

yeah, the Glass and Creepers aren't a good combo. Creepers usually win.

That's all for this week. I'll do my best to have one posted next Monday. Maybe I can get some 1.6 stuff in there. Maybe. Thanks for reading!

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