Saturday, September 21, 2013

Review: Logitech m325 Wireless Mouse

For a long time I've has a mouse with a wire sticking out the front, it wasn't very good for gaming, it squeaked, and it overall wasn't a very good mouse, or at least not anymore. I decided that I was sick of it, especially after playing Minecraft with it for eight months. I just recently got a hold on a really nice one from OfficeMax. I wanted a really high quality mouse, and i didn't really find the right mouse at Walmart or anywhere. I know a lot about technology but I don't know the exact name of every mouse brand out there. That would be weird, but I found a really nice one with great sensitivity and reception, a Logitech m325. It is really easy to install, all you need is a USB plug and your pretty much good to go. I remember seeing one somewhere that has a whole separate reception box or something that would be a waste of time hooking up.
This mouse comes with, well, the mouse, and the USB unifying receiver. As you can see, the receiver is barely visible. This is especially nice with a laptop. However, the mouse is also smaller so may take time to get use to, trackball mouses in particular.
The many functions of this mouse make it more user-friendly. It is also really nice to use when browsing the Internet. On most older mouses, the scroll bar was used to scroll up and down a page in multiple ways. Now, you can go forward or back a page by tilting the scroll bar from left to right. However, this does not decrease the time it takes to load the previous or next page. In case you didn't know, that all relies on your internet speed. The Logitech m325 makes a great gaming mouse. Playing minecraft with this thing is great. scrolling through items in your utility bar is now way faster, THis mouse will automatically set your sensitivity about 30% percent higher, I have no idea why. And also, Idon't know if this is just a me thing, but my mouse booted up my framerate by about 15 frames, so if that's all mouses, than, well, that's a plus.

I think I've just about covered everything I need to about this product. These are all of my thoughts, I'm not leaving anything out. This mouse is easily a 9.5/10

For my DVD Cover-Style quote:


                                          -Josh Siebers, Josh Siebers' Awesome Blog

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