Thursday, January 31, 2013

I'm BACK!!!!!!!!!

I know its been awhile but I'm back. I bought minecraft and soon I will be posting some of my adventures. sorry i've been gone. minecraft addiction

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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Zack Snyder + Star Wars = ...

MAN OF STEEL, possibly the best super hero movie of 2013, maybe. But what or who makes it look, sound , and feel epic? The answer is Zack Snyder. Zack Snyder has directed movies like Watchmen,

& 300

So what does Zack Snyder have anything to do with Star Wars? Does he make Star Wars toys? NOPE. Is he a Jdei? NOPE. 

Lucasfilm actually wanted him as director for Star Wars 7. Why? Well actually because of his animation experience. What's the catch? He turned it down.

Don't worry, he'll always be a part of movie history...

As someone who rejected a Star Wars movie. Now he joins Steven Speilberg, Brad Bird and J.J. Abrams.


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Monday, January 14, 2013

Pirates of the Caribbean 5: A "Dead Man's Chest" worth of News

Well, Pirates 4 was a bit of a disappointment. But if you stay after the credits there is a scene that shows Angelica trapped on an island, then Captain Jack's voodoo doll washes ashore. That part left me hanging for a sequel.

Today, news for Captain Sparrows return was announced

The Studio's directors wish list includes...
  • Tim Burton (Batman, Frankenweenie)
  • Alfonzo Cuaron (Harry Potter & The Prizoner of Azkaban
  • Chris Weitz (Twilight: New Moon)
  • and Gore Verbinski is always a valuable option

Open Discussion #3: The Future of Gaming

So, we all know that one day, gaming through consoles is going to end. But just that thought is weird, the gaming experience is so much better on a console like a Wii or XBox, eventually, it will all be on tablets and stuff like an iPad or iPhone. Gaming is just one part of it.

"My experience with technology has shown me that in the long run, expensive hardware based technology is always made obsolete by software. As an example, a home computer with video editing software can now do what hundreds of thousands of dollars of video equipment could do ten years ago."  
                                                       -Steve Siebers, TrinityWired

Inexpensive multi-task hardware like some phones, tablets, and good laptops are replacing so much technology that isn't ten years old. The iPhone 5, for example, can replace a Global Positioning System, or G.P.S., MP3 player, microphone, digital camera, and much more.

Back to gaming, the biggest theory right now is that soon, all gaming will be done on portable devices. If your a gamer, like me, you might be disappointed. Like I said, the gaming experience is always better on a console. Another thing is how much creativity gets put in to these consoles. Take the Nintendo Wii for example. There are so many things that make the Wii different from other console like an XBox or PlayStation. First of all, the controllers are so different. You can create your own avatar to play in all kinds of games. Overall, the gaming experience is better on a console as of right now. Time will tell

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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Open Discussion #2 : Star Wars TV Series?

So as many of you already know, there are actually plans for a Star Wars TV show. Rick McCallum, producer of the franchise, actually has a whole story-arch, and a few episode scripts. Nothing has been confirmed, but that just leads us into what I want to discuss.


Star Wars 7, 8, and 9 come out starting 2015.

The TV series should somewhat relate to the newest movies. The only two problems I can think of are

1. The budget for the show should be reasonable. The Effects should be great, just the better the effects, the more expensive the show will get. This Show is the last thing we want to see get shut down like Terra Nova.

2. THE LEGENDARY MUSIC! If you're going to make anything Star Wars, you can't do it without John Williams' outstanding score. The most recent thing I can imagine him doing would be Jurassic Park 4^ or or Robopocolypse.

This raps up today's open discussion!

Comment as much as you like

Click here to read the previous open discussion or click the tag: Open Discussion at the bottom  of this post to read all the open discussions

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Revolution Return Trailer

So Revolution, the third most watched TV series on NBC has a new return trailer! Check it out here!

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Should I buy Minecraft?

So I'm thinking about buying minecraft. Is it worth my money?

You probably know what it is so I'm not going to bother. comment on it so I can find out.

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Awesome News: Jurassic Park IV Release Date

I have some awesome news for you today. I don't know where to start. I have an idea!

So do you remember that one movie in the nineties about that one theme park that had live dinosaurs or something. It came from a book by a guy that died a few years ago. What was that called? Oh yeah! JURASSIC PARK. It got a sequel from the next book. Then the franchise continued with a third film that had very little to do with the first 2. Well You may know that a fourth one was announced in 2010 but was put on hold. Well know we have an official release date! Just a little over a year from know. It comes out June 13 2014. Mark your extremely long calendars because this film will be one to be at on opening night!

Special Thanks to CapeTown for this news.

More news coming soon!

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Friday, January 11, 2013

Review: How It Should Have Ended

For this week's review I decided to do a cartoon channel. This channel is How It Should Have Ended or HISHEdotcom. So what this channel does is create parodies for how movies, video games, and TV shows should have ended.
Some of their most popular works include The Avengers, The Dark Knight Rises, & Twilight. visit their website by clicking on THIS WEBSITE

I know this is kind of short but I have so much planned out for this next week I have a bunch of drafts that I'm looking over that will be released all throughout this coming week starting 1/13/13

Best DC Comic Covers Part 2: The New 52

So previously I wrote about the best DC covers. Those were great don't get me wrong. But in the New 52, Everything is great. So these are... The Best New 52 DC Covers of 2012!

Starting of with...


This is just super detailed and just read me read me 


I haven't read this one yet so I'm wondering what's going on. I AM excited to read it though. Batman must be having a hard time


Great picture here, Aquaman, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Green Lantern, The Flash, it's great!


Love it. It's violent, it's expressive, awesome.


Flash seams to be in a tough situation right here. This is a hard position to draw so I still give them credit for that flabby pancake foot.


I like this new version of Green Arrow from The New 52. He doesn't have the huge beard and those red goggles make him look awesome.


This New 52 version of Superman is way better. Mainly because he doesn't have his underwear outside of his pants. Now, as you can see, he has a belt. Maybe He stole it from Batman!


Even though Green Lantern isn't on this, we have a first look at Sinestro's new 52 look. I still think the mustache makes it harder to take him seriously.

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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Best DC Comic Covers Part 1

OK fellow bloggers I have another article today featuring a lot of pictures. This time I'm going to focus on the best DC Comic book covers. let's start.

This is for the first edition of Nightwing comic books. It was originally published in 1995. The cover changed in 2012 for the new 52, so getting a hold of one with the original cover is hard. This is the new 52 cover.

THE DEATH OF SUPERMAN (Superman [series 2] #75)
This was the 75th edition of the second series of Superman. The cover struck me. The Death of Superman was originally published in 1993, this is the original cover.

This was a great cover, it's classic but it still looks great, the art looks great, even though it has the old Superman (the curl, the underwear outside of pants, etc.) it still looks great. This issue was released in 1971. This is the original cover.

AND THE SERVANT SHALL BE A SIGN (Legion of Super-Heroes #290)
This is a creative, original cover that really expresses the power of the guy on the front (I haven't read this yet). This is the original cover from 1982

KNIGHTFALL (Batman #292)
This is probably the most detailed sketch I've seen from DC comics so far. This is the original cover from 1993

This cover takes a new approach on art. Comic art, that is. Released in 2011, this work of art will go down in history.

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Sunday, January 6, 2013


Most movies you come across you recognize from the poster. Usually when you go to see a movie you see 1 when you walk in and maybe another in the hallway in the theater. But this movie in particular has like 16 posters


















Click Here to read about the Justice League Movie Possibilities

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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Open Discussion #1 Justice League Movie Possibilities

Welcome to the first open discussion on this blog. We just talk. Is a Justice League live-action movie even possible? It just seems to unrealistic. not that Batman alone isn't enough, but we can tell that Christopher Nolan wants to stay pretty realistic. Superman is a different story. Aquaman,The Flash and Wonder Woman will just take the franchise downhill.

If I could Choose a cast it would be the following

Batman: Christian Bale
Superman: Henry Cavill
Aquaman: Sam Worthington
Wonder Woman: Lynn Collins
Green Lantern: Ryan Reynolds
Green Arrow: Stephen Amell
The Flash: Bradley Cooper

Yeah. Tell me what you think

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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Review: Smosh Games

One of my favorite channels on YouTube is Smosh Games. You might have heard of Smosh, the comedic group, Ian and Anthony, they're the number 1 most subscribed to on YouTube. Smosh Games is a different story. Smosh teamed up with another gaming channel, Clevver Games. Now they make a bunch of great videos with Jovenshire Lasercorn and Sohinki. They have a bunch of great shows like Super Mari Fun Time, Game Bang and Gamer Nation.

I love the channel, subscribed myself and think you should subscribe too (if you aren't one of the million that already subscribed).

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The Beginning

Hi, welcome to my blog. My name is Joshua Siebers but my friends just call me Josh. I have a YouTube channel. It isn't super popular and I never said it had to be. I only posted one video so far on my channel. It's just a Pixar short. but most of my subscribers subscribe because of the feed. I like, comment, add stuff to playlists and reply to comments all the time. Currently I've been watching a lot of Smosh and CaptainSparklez but if you don't like that I still watch music parodies and other comedic stuff. so please subscribe to me, you may not care what I post but if you like this blog, than it would mean a lot.

What will I be posting on this blog? Help me decide, I have a short list of a few mini reviews, some open discussions I want to cover but leave a comment on stuff you think I should do. Maybe I'll highlight some viral videos, give my opinion about them I.D.K, so help me brainstorm. Wow that was a long sentence **pant pant**

Some topics I like to blog about are movies, (the future for movies, good movies, etc.) anything comicy, and stuff like that. Don't think I am an inexperienced blogger, I've been blogging for a while, this blog is relatively new.

thanks for the support :)

Josh Siebers

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