Friday, May 31, 2013

Open Discussion # 9 Josh's Recent Reads...

Recently I haven't been posting anything because I have been so involved in books. I don't want to brag but I'm a good reader. I decided that I should write about what I'm reading so that maybe you will read them and then I can talk about them and it will be just a swell time and what not or stuff so, uh, here you go!

One of the most recent things I've read and finished is The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. I read the first one about a year ago or so and I really liked it. I read the book before I saw the movie but this time it was different. One thing that I noticed is that you can watch a Lord of the Rings movie without spoiling the book. The Lord of the Rings is just such a detailed and complicated story, it would be impossible to put everything from the book into the movie without making it a 2-days long film. So after seeing the second Lord of the Rings movie and reading the book in that order, I can conclude that it doesn't matter rather you read or watch it first. :)
I also was intrigued when I found one of the original copies from the early fifties at my library. On the Copyrights page it said that that copy was published in 1954. IT even had the original cover!

Another book that I recently finished was a Star Wars book. I have only read one other Star Wars book in my life and that was an Old Republic book called Knight Errant. This one was completely different. It was called The Wrath of Maul or The Wrath of Darth Maul, I've heard it either way. This was a really good book. It was a cross over between a prequel to Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace and a sequel to the Star Wars: Darth Plagueis book, as well as a stand alone novel. This told the story of Darth Maul's life from start to finish. In the end, it makes you feel sorry for Maul, but happy that his life was told. The story begins about 15 years before Star Wars: The Phantom Menace and ends at the very beginning of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV series.
Over all, this is a very good book for hardcore Star Wars fans and even a good starting novel for new fans. I would recommend, though, not to judge the book by its disturbing prologue. I also like the blurry affect on the cover, so don't think that it's just ow it looks on a computer screen. I just had to point that out. :)

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