Saturday, June 22, 2013

Vacation, Man of Steel, & Stuff - Updates 6.22.13

It's been a while since I posted anything on the blog. I just got back from a great vacation. I didn't do anything with the blog, because I didn't have Internet access where I was. I also could have used a break. It was fun, but I have not abandoned you. Fresh post from before vacation are ready to be put up, and I always have three or four drafts being typed at once. Unfortunately, there will be no Cubed this week, mostly because I like to revise and edit those, and I never had anything typed and stuff. Excuses, excuses...
But I have not abandoned you. What I did do this past week was discover a new magazine/website. It's called Geek. Geek Magazine is pretty much a more professional and expansive version of my blog. I think I could really use this as a top source or inspiration. It is on my Favorite Sites/Sources page at the top if you click that. But the other thing did was go see Man of Steel! I'm a normal guy so I can't see everything as soon as it comes out. I saw it Thursday, so not even a week after it came out. Pretty good. I won't bee reviewing it but after I cover some other blog-related topics, I will sort of discuss the movie. So it's kind of a double post. It has updates and some of my ideas on the movie.
I also want to mention that I registered for ArmadaCraft! Armadacraft is a site for the much anticipated Minecraft Server by CaptainSparklez. It's a blog and a social network in one site. So go register, you must have Minecraft though, or it doesn't let you. But go register, then friend me or comment on my wall. My Username is HawkeyeJosh. Comment on the wall and maybe we can play some survival games or Super Craft Bros on a scheduled time and server. I will reply to those comments. On ArmadaCraft. Check me out!
Next I want to say thanks for all the positive comments on a lot of my posts. It's really inspiring and helpful. Some of the comments, i don't quite understand, but it's a compliment to someone, so thanks.
There's a little bit of constructive criticism but that only makes the blog better.
Next, the blog is on it's way to 2000 readers, so thanks for that If we can get to 2000 by mid July, I will write Cubed every Monday. Let me know if I should have Nathan help me. 2000 by mid

As promised, I decided to do a mini-discussion on the topic of Man of Steel. To start, let me say that Superman snapped Zod's neck, which killed him. Zod's army trashed Metropolis. It ends with everyone calling him Superman and they respect his help fighting villains. There, if you didn't see man of Steel yet, and you just ignored the spoiler warning, I probably just ruined the experience for you.
I gave the movie a 9.5 out of 10. It was great!

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