Saturday, February 16, 2013

Bonus Open Discussion: Star Wars Spin-Offs?

It's Saturday and that means... oh yeah, I forgot! today is a bonus open discussion. I'm doing this to make it up to you for my late Minecraft adventure. So technically this doen't count as a real open discussion. Or else the title would have been "Open Discussion #5" so lets get started! Star Wars spinoffs is today's title what does that mean exactly? Well it means that Lucasfilms has been purchased by Disney and now they want episodes 7-9. BLAH BLAH BLAH, that was November news. But now Disney has confirmed at least two spin-offs. Now this is kind of news so I don't want to bore you with news you already heard. But this open discussion is mainly my ideas (and your ideas if you comment.) about what they should consider if they are going to branch off from the original franchise. I think a Yoda movie has been talked about a bit. That would neet. As long as he can kick butt like he does in 2 & 3! Yoda is an easy character to make fun of. So in reality, a Yoda movie might not be taken seriously and is a pretty good way to lose money. I've also heard some talk about Boba Fett as a kid. Wow! You would probably have to be a really hard core fan to be interested in seeing that movie. Han Solo with his own movie? You can't not cast Harrison Ford. Except River Phoenix. If you have seen the third Indiana Jones movie than you might understand what I am trying to say. Unfortunately, he was on drugs and died. DRUGS RUINED THE CHANCE OF A GOOD STAE WARS SPIN-OFF! Okay but seriously, drugs are no cool. Do you want to take something that killed so many good actors like Heath Ledger and River Phoenix? Anyway, back to the topic. He would be good if he was still a teenager. Chewy totally deserves his own movie. He earned it. Everyone loves Chewbacca. Although, once again a good way to lose money. Oh what the heck I would probably go see all these movies. One thing us for sure. I will be at the midnight premiere of Star Wars 7!

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