Friday, April 12, 2013

Man of Steel: Updates and Changes

A lot of Man of Steel news has surfaced in the last few days. Must of it being changes from what we originally expected. Over the next however long it takes you to read this, I'm going to be going over General Zod's armor, Superman's back story, and some recent photos. If you want to stay caught up with your Last Son of Krypton, than keep reading.General Zod is expected to be big and bad in this movie. And one of the reasons he is awesome, is his armor. A new snapshot of Michael Shannon in action has been recently released. Obviously, he looks way better that his Superman II disappointment of a suit. The picture is shown here.

Now I didn't really think of Shannon of a scary person until I saw this picture. I don't really have any information or facts about this suit, other than, it's awesome, and that's a fact. According to the comics, Zod was a criminal mastermind on Krypton. Imprisoned by Jor-El, (Kal-El/Superman's father) Zod somehow managed to escape both from his cell, and from Krypton during the destruction of the planet. However, Zod was never a real Kryptonian. He was created by Kryptonians as a slave. It may seem strange that both Zod and Kal-El landed on the same planet. I mean, the whole universe is available!
Typing this I'm getting a lot of red squigly lined words. Looks like grammar doesn't like superheroes.
This is one of seven pictures released recently. Now, I don't like my posts to be 3/4 pictures and 1/4 words. Thus, I'm just going to link to the source at the bottom of the post.

Now, some people say that chicks are their Kryptonite, but not for Superman. Kryptonite isn't even his Kryptonite. According to Director Zack Snyder, Superman will be effected, but not as a major weakness. General Zod's disasters won't be the only distruction in the movie; Superman will be an emotional disaster!
Honestly, I really don't blame the man Kryptoian, What if you were born with supernatural powers, and found out you were from a different planet, in a different galaxy, I mean seriously!

I think I covered everything new. I will do my best to keep the blog updated when anymore news or changes come out.
Source: ComicBookMovie (link to full article below)

To read my review of VGHS Season 1, CLICK HERE
To read my MOC Justice League movie cast, CLICK HERE
To read my Open Discussion about a tech takeover, CLICK HERE
My source for this article & 6 more New Snapshots:

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