Monday, April 1, 2013

My Justice league Cast...

So I hear the latest trend is to choose who should be the new Green Lantern for The Justice League Movie.

I am actually going to beat Syncopy to the job and cast everyone myself...

For the role of Superman, I think that Henry Cavill is a really good Superman. He has that vigilante look or that mysterious look to him. I think that Batman from The Dark Knight trilogy was great because it wasn't the "Oh no! That poor elderly lady needs help! I'LL SAVE YOU!!!" feel to it.
I also love the new Superman costume from Man of Steel. No classic curl and no underwear outside of the pants. Overall I think that Henry Cavill would be the perfect leader to a legendary team.

For the role of Batman, it's hard to choose. I liked the Christian Bale Bruce Wayne, you know, he's the playboy, the billionaire, he really takes on that role nicely. However, I don't really like the Batman. The suit is awesome but the voice, come on. Were they trying to make him sound like  choking cow? That's what I loved about the 80's Batman (excluding Batman and Robin), he either didn't talk or he would talk in as few words as possible. If you take that and add the Christian Bale Bruce Wayne and TDK suit, The Justice League movie will be a success!

For the anticipated role of Wonder Woman, I would like to see anyone but Megan Fox. There was a photoshopped picture of her a few years ago as Wonder Woman, but honestly, she would suck. Kiera Knightley would be cool. I know she had a pretty big role as Elizabeth Turner in Pirates of The Caribbean. She did a good job with the action/sci-fi feel so yeah. Chris Evans was The Human Torch before he became Captain America, and look what happened. He's a great Flamethrower and Uncle Sam.

For the role of The Flash, I would like to see Bradley Cooper or Chris Pine. He has the look from the cartoon (voiced by Michael Rosenbaum) and has  a similar voice to Michael Rosenbaum. I think Chris Pine could connect the Smallville TV series with the movie because he does kind of look like the kid from Smallville. But obviously, that couldn't happen.

For The Role of Green Lantern, I would like to see Ryan Reynolds reprise his role from 2011's Green Lantern movie. I think with a non-computer graphic suit and a good solid Mark Miller script, he would be on the right track. Now I know that the Green Lantern Movie was kind of a disappointment to comic fans but I thought that he was at least a good Hal Jordan. A lot of Deadpool movie news has been surfacing recently but if Ryan Reynolds was Green Lantern, I would want to cast a "look alike" for Wade Wilson. Plus, the Deadpool suit would be animation. Like Spider-Man's, or at least while he's in action.

For the role of Cyborg, I would highly recommend an African-American actor. DC has finally had some ethnical respect in the last thirty years since Steel came out starring Shaq. I know I still bring up Smallville but I think that they did a good job on making movies appeal to other races. I would go ahead and cast Cuba Gooding Jr. He's young, he has a lot of experience in Minecraft in acting. Overall, He would be a good choice.

And Finally, for the role of Aquaman, I would choose Sam Worthington. He has that serious, know-what-he's-talking-about kinda face. Long hair and I personally think he would be set to go.

Thank You for reading!

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