Saturday, April 6, 2013

Open Discussion #7 Technology Ruling Out Books?

What's up dudes!? It's Josh here with another open discussion. Now I know I have it has been a few weeks since my last review. I'm sorry about that. I don't always have time to write a review. I find open discussions easier to write. Also, I want to apologize for the missing Minecraft Adventure Monday. I've been busy but I am getting on track. If you've noticed, I have put out some news so I have not completely abandoned this blog. Or my comic book blog. Speaking of which, I just put out a new Justice League of America review yesterday so go check that out. So without further boringness, let's get started with the open discussion.

So, (I have to stop starting posts with "so") this week we're going to be looking at technology. Now I know I've three or four open discussions about technology, but this week, it's going to be a little different. Recently, I've been ranting about the future of technology, and gaming to be specific, but today, I'm going to kind of rant about technology affecting our world. In the last few years, we've gone from going to the library for a few hours to read, to downloading books onto our Kindles and iPads. If the memory is still in there, can you remember what it was like to pick up a brand new book, sitting down on a couch under a blanket, and opening to the first page of your actual book, and sinking your face deep into it. The texture of the pages, the pages... okay, now I'm starting to sound really geeky. Anyway, you know what I'm trying to say. What happened to old fashioned books, you know, the ones made with pieces of paper and the stitched binding? Ask your grandparents what they used to learn, and they'll say that the Internet of they're childhood (and adulthood) was encyclopedias. Yeah, you remember those, organized by letter, huge, usually have the same thing printed on the spine of each one? Who am I kidding, those things are ancient!

That was kind of a weird way to end a discussion!
Anyway, Thanks for reading!

To read my Review of Video Game High School S1, CLICK HERE
To read my MOC Justice League movie cast, CLICK HERE

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